Finding Inspiration

The past couple of mornings, while I drink my breakfast, I have been reading Juicy Pens, Thirsty Papers by SARK. I know that I have mentioned her before in this blog. I have been reading her stuff for years. She is definitely one of those writers that I find says exactly what I need to read/hear. What I like is that she never says that she is perfect. In fact, she seems to revel in the imperfections because she knows that is where the personal growth actually happens.

(BTW…Simon is trying to type again. It is VERY distracting! 🙂 )

From my previous post, you will recall that I have been feeling a little guilty regarding all of the reading that I am doing because I thought that maybe it was keeping me from writing, or, that I was using it as a form of distraction. Yet, there it was in blue, green, purple, red and yellow ink that reading was essential to a writing life. As much as reading about writing was, so was finding books that helped us, inspired us to move forward with our work. She recognizes that there is a lot of writing happening in the mind. But, she stresses the importance of getting it out there – daring to get it out there.

And, so, my friends…I DARE! In whatever form that takes.

Published On: January 8th, 2009|Categories: Writing Life|Comments Off on Finding Inspiration|

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