Writing Life
I've guest blogged before, but this is the first time where I answered questions about my writing process. It was interested for me to approach these excellent questions about process, [...]
Over the last few years I have written many words, some of them good, many of them not. I've learned about craft knowing that I'll never learn enough, and hope [...]
"The last piece of the puzzle but you cannot make it fit," Howard Jones. Funny how this line came up while I was starting this blog post about plot --but [...]
Well, this is exciting. I've been nominated by L. Marie's blog as one of her "Wonderful Team Member Award and the Versatile Blogger Award." Given the plethora of blogs out [...]
While I've been finishing my teen novel and working on a few other projects--I know that I'm so due for blog post forgive me--I've been cheering on my colleagues, because [...]
Mary Pleiss is talking about witches, fairy tales, and stereotyping on Ingrid's blog. Check it out.
The second part to Jessica Denhart's post on crafting authentic YA characters.
Jessica's insightful post discusses 10 ways we can think about crafting authentic teen characters when (sadly) we are no longer teens...although I think that I'm perpetually fifteen in my head. [...]
I think there comes a time in every readers life when we are burned out on books. It is rare and traumatic but it does happen. Perhaps, like me, you've [...]
Sheryl Scarborough talks the Three Act Structure on Ingird's blog.
Thoughts on creating emotion in dialogue by the always awesome, Jeff Schill.