A Response: Write! Create!

I don’t tend to talk politics on this blog, mostly because it is meant to focus on writing, the creative process and what is happening in the life of Mel. But the ramifications of what has happened in the American election has forced me to reassess my position on this and how I plan to combat misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia. In Canada we’ve had the dial move in the opposite direction, (thank goodness) but there are still some politicians, particularly on the right, who want to bring these ideologies north. And I am like, NO!

My response is the only thing I know how to do:


For the past year or so, my current WIP explores the second wave women’s movement, issues of consent, and the decision to rise up, stand for something. That’s all I will say about it for now as I don’t want to spoil the fun, but in the fog of yesterday writing this story was the only thing I found that made me feel like I had some control. And from what I’ve been seeing on my social media feeds, many artists are turning to their creative self for solace, to create stories and art that will nurture and speak to a possible, more hopeful, future.

Consider this Toni Morrison quote I saw in my feed yesterday:

“In times of dread, an artist must never choose to stay silent.” 

This connects to my “Writer’s Manifesto” that I wrote at a VCFA workshop last year, particularly #1.


With MAUD slowly coming in the world, about an ambitious young woman who wants to be educated and pursue her dreams of publications, a young woman who has to choose between love and her craft, I hope that it contributes to this conversation.

I invite you to find your creative muse.

Ask yourself:

What can you create today that will help fuel this movement of artistic expression to bring light to the world?

How can you tell stories of those in history who have been silenced, who are no longer here to tell it themselves?

What is the story you need to tell where you felt like you were silenced?  

How can you support those who want their stories heard?

Whose story do you need to tell?

Maybe…it is your own…



  1. Karen Krossing November 10, 2016 at 1:19 pm

    A wonderful, optimistic post during this dark time. Thank you, Mel.

    • Melanie J. Fishbane November 10, 2016 at 1:20 pm

      Thank you, Karen. I had planned on writing about something else, but this is what came. I followed it.

  2. sandranickel November 11, 2016 at 12:56 am

    Hear! Hear!

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Published On: November 10th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized, Writing Life|4 Comments|

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